Chapbook Submissions
Submissions are now CLOSED.
We are interested in poetry chapbooks only and publish no more than three poetry chapbooks per calendar year.
Please submit a manuscript between 20-35 pages. One poem per page only. Chapbook length poems are welcome Portions of the manuscript may have appeared in other journals, but not the manuscript as a whole.
Your manuscript should include a cover letter, a bio, title page, table of contents, and an acknowledgement page (as needed). All pages must be numbered (you may add a dedication page if you wish).
Please write “CHAPBOOK SUBMISSION” in the subject line of your email. Please attach your manuscript as a PDF or DOC file.
Simultaneous submissions are not allowed. We aim to respond to all submissions within 30 days of receipt (usually less).
If your manuscript is declined, we ask that you please wait a minimum of six months before submitting again.
If your manuscript is accepted at THRUSH Press, you agree to grant us First North American Serial Rights. You agree that if your poem(s) subsequently appear elsewhere (in print or on line), you will give due credit to THRUSH Press.
Payment is ten author copies for accepted manuscripts.
Beginning in 2014, Thrush Press will be moving towards a consistent cover art aesthetic design. Thrush Press will be choosing the artwork and layout of the cover. Please note this prior to submitting your chapbook manuscript to us.
Our taste is eclectic. We want poems that move us, a strong sense of imagery, emotion, with interesting and surprising use of language, words that resonate. We want voice. We want cohesiveness.
Established and new poets are encouraged to submit. Please submit a finished and polished manuscript only.
If you would like to submit an ekphrastic poetry piece, pamphlet, or other poetry ephemera, please query first (tell us a little bit about it!) Although we would love to see your work, we may have some questions prior to submission.
Portions of all accepted chapbooks are eligible for nomination for the Pushcart poetry prize (and other applicable prizes).
Our guidelines are subject to change. We suggest reviewing them prior to submitting.
Submissions that ignore these guidelines (or parts of these guidelines) will likely be declined immediately.
Submissions and other correspondence should be sent to: [email protected]